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Vätternrundan 300km training starts
Cycling tips to beat the snow and ice
Cycling tips to beat the snow and ice
Winter has an icy grip on the UK, with temperatures plummeting and large parts of the country seeing snowfall before the weekend.
If you’re determined to get out whatever the weather – whether that’s to log valuable winter miles or on the ride to work – here are a few tips to ensure you stay safe out on the road.
Fuelling your ride
Food Food Glorious food... and a gel or 2! Whether it is a gruelling sportive or a long training ride, optimal nutrition, along with consistent training and realistic pacing, is one of the key requisites for success. Get it wrong, too little or too much, and you may come to a halt, reduce training benefits and significantly increase the time you will need to recover from the ride. Day before Eat normally the day before a big ride but pay particular attention to hydration. You want to make sure you are optimally hydrated in the 24 hours leading up to...
The Cycling Widow.
The long-ride So… I am proud of my husband for his desire for a better healthier physic. I cannot deny that I am chuffed to bits that he’s one of the fitter dads in the playground and still turns heads. He’s mine and I love that. I accept the multiple purchases from Wiggle (there are other suppliers I believe!)...